We'll continue to try to make this site as manageable as possible for anyone to customize their ride with as little human intervention as possible. Having said that, we are happy to work with riders to get whatever they need.

Go through the various pages, select the items you like and we'll put it all together for you. Usually this would mean, go to DECKS, choose your profile, then GRAPHICS to find a base covering, ACCESSORIES for grip tape and other items and your done. Check your cart carefully before payment. If there are any obvious mistakes (Such as two graphics for only one board) we will contact you.

Use the links to other boardshops to find your hardware. We encourage riders to check out the different boardshops listed at the bottom of each page. Of course you are welcome to buy your own hardware, but if you'd like to unbox a complete ready to ride longboard, then after making your order, email us a list of what you'd like and we can order it and install it ourselves. We won't mark up the hardware, but there will be an installation fee and shipping cost. We strongly believe that installing your own hardware is part of the process for a rider, but we understand that sometimes that isn't possible such as with gifts or lack of tools.

We use PayPal and Ebay to take payments. PayPal will accept just about all credit cards and you do not need an account to purchase. PayPal is generally for new boards and Ebay we use to sell the already built boards in our shop.

Installment Plan
A possible new option we're exited about is an online installment plan. Take up to four payments to pay for your board. We haven't implimented this yet and would love to hear your feedback.

Manufacturing Times
Unless a board is very common we do not make them until you order them, so we ask that you allow two weeks for manufacturing. We will do our best to communicate times to all customers.
PayPal Acceptance Mark

Thank you for working with us!

The Sacrificial Board Team

Copyright © 2015 - Cianci Industries